Saturday, May 19, 2007

Friday Fun

Last night (Friday, May 18) found Aaron and I up at Malley Drive with some of my colleagues and 34 students. It was a reading reward party - a sleep over! No, we didn't spend the night, but we helped out with the evening program. Aaron is so wonderful that he showed up to help and was put to work leading outside games - something at which he is awesome. You wouldn't believe the plates at "snack" time. As one 5th grader put it, "I'm going to get sick after I eat all this, but it will be worth it!" I imagine there will be stories of tummy aches and late night trips to the restroom.
*Notice the construction taking place at our school? We've been a construction zone since we returned from Winter Break. This picture is a few weeks old, so it is starting to look a little more complete from the front. It will be exciting to see the finished product next fall!*

Be on the watch for upcoming photos of:
  • Mom helping us with landscaping
  • photos of the house
  • summer adventures
  • and of course -- more dog activities
