Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Tried having our own celebration - but it wasn't the same without you!
Love your Colorado kids.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

stealing from my sis

Copied this post from my sister - who is a wonderful mother, sister, and memory writer... read on...

rambling thoughts. . .

I've been thinking a lot lately about my grandmother - my dad's mom. She passed away in 2006 and is greatly missed. You know how it's those little things or moments that remind you of someone? That's what usually happens for me. When I'm drying the dishes and using one of those embroidered flour-sack towels, I think of Grandma Marie. I had a set that she made and for a long time wouldn't use them. They were special and I didn't want to ruin them! But grandma would have wanted me to use them, so I did. And they are no longer white, and they are fraying and many have holes. A mention of that to my mom, and voila! I had an entire new set of these towels (thanks, mom). And even though I use these new towels made by my mom, they still remind me of Grandma Marie.

Knox blocks. Any idea what those are? C'mon - the jello squares made with flavored Jell-O and unflavored gelatin? Grandma made them for every family gathering - orange and yellow for Thanksgiving, red and green for Christmas. It isn't a holiday unless I make those and I always make sure to remind my kids how Grandma Marie always, always made knox blocks.

Hot cocoa. This might have only happened one time, but I vividly remember Grandma making me hot cocoa in a very tiny mug. For some reason, that mug made it taste oh-so-much better than usual. I wish I had that tiny mug and saucer.

Lace cookies. Or were they called butter cookies - whatever. They were the thinest, laciest cookies you could practically see through them. And they were so yummy! The calorie and fat count was likely so high they'd never be made by today's moms, but I'm glad Grandma didn't worry about those things. She often served us graham crackers spread with frosting for a snack. My kids get apple slices or something equally healthy and not nearly as much fun.

Rumikub. Grandma loved to play games and this was one of her favorites.

Jesus. I have a children's book that I read to my little ones about the fruit of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, g00dness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The story encourages children to do the right thing and then explains "that's Jesus in me." Grandma Marie had Jesus in her -- and His light shone brightly to all through her. I know that she is in Heaven with her Savior and she is wrapped tightly in his arms and perfect in her spirit.

Grandma Marie was a stay-at-home mom before it was called SAHM. Back then, it was a housewife. Even more than that, she was a farmwife. I can only imagine what her days were like as a mother of young children. She raised 4 boys on a farm without the conveniences of today. When the monotony of my day gets to me, or the kids are making me crazy, or I haven't even made a dent in my to-do list and dinner hasn't even crossed my mind, I think of Grandma Marie for a little perspective. A long day with the kids? There was no option to call Grandpa on his cell phone and ask if he'd please pick up dinner on his way home. Oops, I mean supper!

(just found this draft in my postings and am posting it as is . . . unfinished as I was likely interrupted while writing. Thanks Grandma for all the memories!)

So reading this made emotions bubble over in my heart and through tears I am not able to compose my thoughts. Here is hoping I will post again soon with the grace and thought my sister does.