Things were quieter as we moved further from the river. Aaron looked back and me, "Shhh. Marmots. A mom and some babies." What cuties!
Across the morraine meadow, we could see a small herd of elk (at least 20). They were too far away to get any good pictures, but we kept on the path hoping we could get a closer view. (We didn't have our camera earlier in the day when the elk were swimming in the lake). On we walked, always keeping our eyes out for little critters and beautiful flowers. It seemed as though we may get the chance to see those elk closer up -- just down the path a little further. However, once again Aaron reached back toward me, "shh, bear." And sure enough, just in front of us a mother bear and her two cubs were coming down from the forested area to the path. They were wandering our way, so we moved slowly back and over to the side. She lead them from the human path to a game trail just a few feet up. We were able to keep our eyes on this wonderful little family for about a half hour. Thankfully Aaron had his camera and was able to get many cool shots. Carefully we kept our distance, once having to trudge through the swampy water 30-40 yards away from the path so they could have their space. She had brought them back to the path -- now in front of us on our way back. I think Aaron thought it was great fun having me manuever in the smelly, muddy swamp grasses. Good thing I had my Chacos on.
I spent almost a week attending conferences: Highway 21(2 days) at our local district training center and Tointon School and Teacher Leadership Academy in Vail (at Lion Square Lodge) Both experiences proved to be motivational and jam-packed full of learning! The brain muscle was truly exercised!
Aaron is still working, but I don't think he is complaining. Check out where he has been this past week: Belize